Podcast Artwork Best Practices


Your artwork is the front door to your podcast.
— Cassidyy Atkins

Your podcast artwork is a crucial component for people clicking on and listeners to your show! You want to make sure it is not only eye-catching and pops off the page, but podcasters have to follow the Apple Podcast guidelines as well.

In this blog, we want to show you the best design practices we have found that has worked for multiple number one shows along with the rules you may never knew existed. Let’s jump right in!

Apple Podcast Guidelines

Even though there are hundreds of ways to consume podcasts, Apple Podcast is still the number one way people discover and listen to a podcast.

Meaning, we have to play by their rules if we want to stay in their sandbox. Here is a list of Apple’s “non-negotiables.”

  1. Your artwork must be designed at 3000 x 3000 pixels

  2. Your artwork must be under 500 KBs in size

  3. Your artwork must be designed in RGB colors

  4. No destination logos (Apple logo, Spotify logo, Google logo, etc.)

  5. No Apple-like products (pictures of iPhones, earpods, iPads, Macs, or anything that resembles Apple products)

Violating any of the above could result in your show getting kicked out of the Apple Podcast Directory. It is a pain I know, but if you are using Canva.com to design your artwork, or if you are using a skilled graphic designer, these rules will be easy to follow.

Best Design Tips

Now this list isn’t rules you need to follow, or your show will get kicked out of Apple, they are just best practices that we have seen to be successful.

Less is more:

Many podcasts put as much as they can on their artwork. Such as - their name, their website, the name of the show, subtitles, or any number of things. You want to put the least amount of info on your podcast artwork. Keep in mind your show artwork will be about an inch big in most podcast apps. The best thing you can do is have the name of your show as BIG as it can be. Save the other details for your description.

Avoid Microphones and Headphones:

It makes sense many podcasters want to use a picture of headphones or a microphone in their artwork. It seems obvious right? That’s the problem. You don’t want to be obvious and blend in with all the other artwork. You want to stand out! Be creative think of other imagery that can go along with your show.

When You Should Use A Headshot:

Even though you are beautiful, your headshot may not be the best thing to use in your artwork.

When To Use A Headshot:

  • You will be running ads with your face on them

  • You are your brand

  • You have a big following

When Not To Use A Headshot:

  • You are just starting out

  • You don’t have an audience

  • You are not trying to build a personal brand

Pick The Right Colors:

Well, thought out colors is fundamental when designing your podcast artwork. You have to think about where your artwork is going to exist. Most apps have a WHITE interface, but with Apple’s latest IOS update, they introduce DARKMODE, which makes all interfaces black. Think of colors that will look great and have contrast for wherever your show could be found.

If At First, You Don’t Succeed:

There is no rule about updating your podcast artwork. If you are reading this and already have your artwork, use it! But don’t be afraid to update. Updating your artwork once a year, or with new seasons for your show can be a great way to spice things up and keep your audience engaged.


One of the best #PodHacks we can give you is to do your research. Look at the Apple New and Noteworthy section in your Apple Podcast App. This is a section hand-curated by Apple. You will see a theme of what design they like to see!

Need more help on your podcast journey? Check out our launch packages to start today!

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