Reasons To Start A Podcast

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Podcasting is becoming one of the most powerful ways to share your message, build your brand, serve your audience and solve problems.

If you are thinking about starting your podcast but are on the fence - check out our list of reasons you should start today!

Podcasting is the fastest way to find people that care about the same things you do.
— Cassidyy Atkins

Become An Expert

When you have a podcast platform you automatically become the expert in your listeners eye. But don’t fake it! Share your knowledge, share your wisdom, share your breakthrough, but don’t make things up. You don’t have to have everything figured out, you just have to be a few steps ahead of your listeners journey. Think of yourself like a big brother or big sister!

Create A Powerful Connection

Over 85% of your listeners will finish every episode of your podcast. Your show will be built into their weekly schedule creating a deep connection between you and your listeners.

Promote Your Own Products Or Services

In the world of Facebook ads, webinars, funnels, and so much more - a podcast can be powerful to promote your own products or service because your listeners already have a relationship with you!

Podcast Are Convenient And Free To Consume

You can’t always watch a YouTube or Facebook Live video. However, it doesn’t matter if you’re doing the dishes, working out, driving to work or anything in between you can always catch up on your podcasts. This makes it easy for your audience to stay connected with you.

It Doesn’t Take Too Much Time To Maintain

Since podcast aren’t live, you can make your podcast work for you! You can schedule your podcast to go out as far as you want. This can give you the freedom to create content on your own timeline.

Get Clarity On Your Message

Know you have something to say but just don’t know what? Starting a podcast can be a great way to find your voice and find what you’re truly passionate about.

Make Extra Money

You don’t have to have thousands of listeners to make money off your show you just need one loyal listener! Even if you don’t have your own product or service right now, there are many ways you can start monetizing your podcast.

An Opportunity To Serve

If you have a niche, people group, industry or topic you are passionate about a podcast can be a great way to serve that community. You can solve their problems, shift their mindsets and become a resource to empower and educate them.

This list is just scratching the surface of all the reasons why YOU need a podcast! Your message matters and we are here to help any way we can.

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