What Changed Since 2020? (Chapter 3)

Like most small business owners, a lot has shifted for Cassidyy over the last few years. One of these changes has been in what Podcasters ask or need from the company.

While she still offers strategic launch packages, production, coaching, and other services...within what felt like a moment, the conversation changed from “How do I start a podcast?” to “How can I keep my podcast?”

More than ever, Cassidyy’s inbox, DMs, and text were lighting up from content creators wondering how they thrive in a new world of censorship.

It didn’t seem to matter if a person already had a podcast or if they never picked up a microphone in their life, they would all wonder the same things…

"How can I dodge the algorithms?” or “How can I avoid getting de-platformed?”

These kinds of “techie” conversations used to be ones Cassidyy would only have with people certified by Google (Alphabet INC), code readers she paid to interpret data or other creators in the industry that knew how algorithms control certain platforms.

Rarely she would find a “normal person” who was aware of these terms and or knew what they mean. As the years have passed, the average person has become increasingly aware of censorship and the reality of things like shadow-banning and topic-suppression systems. 

Should Podcasters Be Worried About Sharing Their Voice In The Age of Cencership?

When we really started to see censorship ramp up, it was fascinating to watch which voices started to give up and get discouraged and which ones responded to the “pressure” and took action to get even louder. 

Like most people during that time in history, many of our podcasters were getting bombarded by stress and overwhelmed from all angles. It was a hard few years but it was inspiring for Cassidyy to see firsthand how Content Creators were responding differently than others. 

Some podcasters stopped doing their show and left their listeners with no explication about where they went and hung up their headphones forever.

Other voices took their fears about the News and current events and translated that into the fuel they needed to make an even greater impact. The podcasters that overcame their failures, limiting beliefs, and big tech censorship, came out on top in the past few years.

Most of Cassidyy’s Podcast Partners have experienced accelerated growth in their business and podcast numbers despite algorithm suppression and blatant censorship over certain topics.

The “shake up” and fear tactics happening in larger media ended up being a positive thing for the space and more and more new powerful voices are rising to the top of the charts and beating out shows from the “old world.”

In fact, more podcasts launched over the past two years than ever before! One of those reasons is that Podcasting platforms have reportedly been one of the least affected sectors of media by the wave of censorship.