The Story

Global Media Reach From a Spare Bedroom (Chapter 1)

Since 2019, The Creative Podcast Company has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs and coaches create real impact by launching multiple chart-topping podcasts and voices into the world…

After leaving her corporate media job after 10+ years, Cassidyy Atkins decided it was time to use the professional skills she learned in content creation to teach the “little guy” how to leverage organic social media and streaming opportunities like Podcasting. 

To her, the writing was on the wall and she had a gut feelings that these newer ways to connect with people were the future, and certain parts of Radio, TV Apps, and Online Streaming were about to be a thing of the past…

She experienced first-hand how censorship and the dissemination of information were being passed down from the top and how easy it was for news and content online to become… 

For lack of better words, “fake” and agenda-driven. (From both sides of the aisle)

“True journalism is a journey of trying to stay more motivated by the truth of the matter rather than the sensational angle you could take. (And get a company bonus for)” - Cassidyy Atkins

After attending years of corporate “training(s)” on “How to create a better headline” (A.K.A. the easy guide to click-bait) or hearing subtle “jokes” from the boss like “If it bleeds it leads,” it was clear to Cassidyy that the age of fact-checkers and a higher need for truth on the internet was fast approaching. 

Translation: “If it bleeds it leads:”

Definition: If a story has something to do with blood (gun violence, murder, wrecks, or general bodily harm to someone) it would be the first article(s) on our corporate website and newsletter.

Could the age of honest, positive, and impactful media already have ended? “Not if I have something to say about the matter". She thought to herself.

The clock was ticking, this new world of getting your message (or show) out to the world wouldn’t stay free or as easy to use for long so she knew she had to spread the message fast if she wanted to help people. 

The Message:

“Now is the greatest time in human history to become your OWN media company and use the internet to amplify your message to make a real impact!”

Many Forerunners in the content creation space who had long been preaching the same message quickly resonated with her and she started to build a network of independent podcasters who had their own powerful message. 

Thus, the Creative Podcast Company started.