Why Audiograms Aren't Working For Podcasters


Hey, Podcasters!

I want to talk to you for a second about why your audiograms for your podcast might not be working.

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A few years ago, audiograms were super popular in the podcast world.

They were cool for a New York minute, then they went away for around two years.

Within the last six months, the podcasters have picked them back up. But are they still working like they used to?

Probably not.

Here's why your audigrams aren’t working and getting pretty low engagement on your social media.

if you think about it, first things first, technically an audiogram is a video. The algorithms on most social media are way more friendly towards and push your content out more if videos are live.

Just uploaded video doesn't do as well as it used to, because of the algorithm. But we can’t blame everything on the evil algoritms…I’m going, to be honest with you, I'm not a huge fan of audiograms for promoting your podcast because it isn’t cool anymore. They are old news… plus you are missing a KEY component in your marketing.

One of the most powerful keys for promotion and marketing is…CURIOSITY.

Here's the thing, in the past, people started using audiograms because they did help drive curiosity.

Podcasters would pull out the best quote or the best nugget or whatever from that episode to raise the listener’s curiosity to go finish the episode.

Now, people have figured it out. It doesn't really raise curiosity anymore because as soon as people see that waveform, bouncing up and down they know you're promoting a podcast.

Does that make sense?

On top of that…like 95% of videos consumed on social media are watched with the sound off.

That's why you see so many videos with subtitles now. Right?

If they can’t hear the audio… All they are seeing is your cover photo for your podcast and if I see a waveform bouncing up and down, or just see a waveform in general, and they know you have a podcast, what's the point of me clicking on it?

They know you are promoting your podcast. There's zero curiosity there, right?

So what do you do?


In my opinion, if you can, ALWAYS go live. On Instagram or Facebook or Twitter (where ever you are mainly promoting your show.
People (and the algorithm) love that!


Drum up some curiosity in your stories, live videos and on regular posts.

It's going to be way more engaging because and here's why.

So, think about it…let's use this as an example. If I had a health and nutrition podcast, and I had an audiogram with my cover art going up and down.

I'm not going to click on it.

BUT if I got on the stories and said:

“Hey look! Everyone's talking about intermittent fasting.

I want to tell you the real honest truth of what I believe. If you want to implement

intermittent fasting, you got to listen to this episode first.”

Boom. you're hooked.

If you want to know anything about intermitting fasting or fitness in general, now you are thinking “Oh, I want to go listen to it.”

It's so much more effective to drive curiosity.


Use a poll on your Facebook page or stories on Instagram.


“Hey, have you ever tried intermittent fasting”

Have “yes or no” sticker to collect results.

Next, reply to everyone who interacted with your poll!

For example, you could send the people that answered “no ” the link to your new episode and say something like:

“Hey! Thank you for voting in my poll. If you ever want to try intermittent fasting listen to this first! I give you the deep dive on X, Y, and Z. If fasting isn’t your thing, what are some other health and fitness related topics you have questions about?

This creates a more personal experience and engages your current and future listeners!

Just make sure to be genuine and not spammy!

The best rule of thumb is to ask yourself - “would I think this was annoying?”

If you would annoy you, it will probably annoy your audience.


There are a thousand other ways you can drive curiosity to promote your show

Pique my curiosity, stop my scroll. break up your pattern.

This will serve and grow your show way faster and create engaging moments or your listeners.

If you have any other promotional ideas other than audiograms, drop it in the comments. I would love to hear what you guys are doing that's working!

For more podcast tips subscribe to Podception!

Cassidyy Atkins